Mock Trial Team takes Third Place at State
As almost the whole team graduates, they leave behind a legacy of family

After defeating Watertown-Mayor by just three points in the section competition, Buffalo’s Mock Trial team made it to State and took Third Place.
“This year we had the unique opportunity to go to State and beat Watertown. That was one of the big accomplishments that I think everyone felt,” said Senior Emilee Feldman, who has been on the team for four years. “We really put in the effort and work needed to get there.”
What is more amazing is the family aspect of the team. “The day before we competed against Watertown, our biggest rival, we all stayed after school and had a night practice. It was fun not only to work hard, but then also receive the payoff of hearing the judges say ‘Buffalo wins,'” said Emilee.
“As with any team, the biggest thing for me is the family aspect. You spend so much time with each other you really get to know everything about them and how to work with them.” “No other team clicks quite as well as the members of mock trial.”
In this year’s mock trial team, there are 8 seniors out of 9 members, making this their last year on the team for almost everyone. “I think I’ll miss everything. Even now that mock trial is over, the team is already grieving in a way. You spend so much time and you work on the case so hard, and then all of it ends up not mattering because it was just for fun,” says Emilee. “My team is my family. And even though we are all still in school, you can’t really ever recreate that atmosphere.”