
Mississippi 8’s strongest athletes gather to prove who’s the strongest

On Monday March, 7th, the some of the strongest kids from 5 Mississippi 8 Conference schools gathered including the Buffalo Bison, St. Michael Knights, Rogers Royals, Monticello Magic and the Princeton Tigers.

Overall there was 172 Competitors at the competition. The Buffalo Bison had a group of 32 athletes go to Rogers that included age groups from Freshman to Seniors. Among the 32 were Senior Shawn Worth, Junior Dan Butler and also Junior Katie Kemp.

“I was kind of disappointed with the turnout of only 32 athletes but I made due with what I was given and they were a very talented bunch of kids,” said Lifting Coach Troy Hanson.

Overall team wise, the Bison finished in 3rd place overall with a combined points total of 74 points behind  Rogers who took 2nd with 96 points and Monticello who won the competition with a total of 128  points.  The Bison had several great performances from the only senior who competed, Shawn Worth, and a Junior, Garrett Bullert,  who both set Mississippi 8 Conference records in their weight classes.

Other great performances included Katie Kemp who received 1st place in her weight class, Jordan Skarin got 2nd in her weight class behind a Monticello athlete and Becca Haggerty who received 1st place in her class.

“I am very excited for the upcoming lifting competition  with 31 of the 32 athletes that competed this year will  be returning to lift again hopefully,” said Hanson.” Also hopefully more athletes will come out next year to boost our numbers and have an even stronger team.”

Hanson is always pushing his athletes to practice and perfect their hang clean form so that it is as good as possible.

” The earlier kids start practicing hang clean form, the better  it is,” said Hanson.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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