Some seniors take the opportunity to graduate early

At some point during every students’ high school education they look forward to graduating, whether they are ready for the next step in life toward adulthood or not.
For some kids, it’s the traditional route from kindergarten to completing their senior year. However, for others there is another option. Students have the opportunity to graduate early, typically at the end of third quarter of their senior year.
“This alternative option is newer to Buffalo High School, about three years ago was the first year we offered it,” said Counselor Mark Jones. “Typically about 25 seniors will graduate early.”
If a student works hard through their four years of high school and doesn’t fail any classes, receive an incomplete, or get sick and miss a majority of school days, they are able to acquire all of the credits they need to graduate.
“The only criteria to graduate early is to have all your 30 credits, but I also do like for the student to have a plan,” said Jones. “I don’t want them to want to graduate early just because they don’t like being at school.”
The reason for students to decide to graduate early is different for everyone. Some want the opportunity to work full time, some are involved in the family business or they are needed to help on the farm.
“I wanted to get started on my future as soon as I could and since I got all my requirements done early I thought, why not?” said senior Sam Aurentz.
This option allows students to try to make some money over the summer before they go to college, or gives students the opportunity to prepare themselves for the next big milestone they are about to encounter.