Spreading the word to end the word
Buffalo High School students and staff come together to end discrimination

Physical Education Teacher Jennifer Heebink is making a stand. She has engaged the students of BHS on a quest to end the use of the “R word”. Starting earlier last week, BHS got around 300 signatures from both students and staff to support this stand.
“I think when we start having our students being more aware of the words that they use every day in their vocabulary I think its really really powerful coming from them rather than me,” Heebink stated. “If we can teach each other how to respond to that word and how to shut it down when someone uses it, I think that is how we get ripple effects around the school.”

Around the U.S., many schools have made this same stance. Making everyone aware that even if this word is used as a joke its effecting everyone around us.
“Our words make an impact on other people no matter what we think,” said Heebink. “You have the opportunity to spread kindness and respect or u have the opportunity to be using labels and words like the R word.”
Help spread kindness around our school by becoming aware of what your saying, and help make someone else become aware too.