Are Crocs the newest trend in footwear?

Are Crocs ugly or fashionable? The debate continues as they are becoming more common.
“If you want to wear closed toed shoes, just wear actual shoes,” said Freshman Alex Hage, referring to Crocs at school.
The colorful plastic shoes known as Crocs were a popular fad in the late 2000’s, when most of current high schoolers were in elementary school. For a few years they seemed to go away and out of style.
Sophomore Megan Ratke said, “I wore them in like second grade and then I outgrew them… people just started wearing them last year.”
Now people are wearing them again and they’re making a comeback.
“If they did leave then I guess they would be coming back because there’s a lot of people wearing them now,” said Senior Millie Chisel.
It’s clear that Crocs are becoming more popular, partly due to the warmer weather. People choose to wear them for a variety of their own reasons. Some people like them because they are easy, both to wear and to match with.
“You don’t have to think about what you’re going to wear for your shoes with your outfit, it goes with everything,” Junior Shelby Hermansen. says.
While there is some disagreement on them being fashionable, overall the utility and comfort of Crocs is what makes them popular.
“[I like them] because they’re easy to put on, when I’m walking out the door,” says Ratke.
“They’re like heaven on your feet,”Hermansen added.
Some critics still disapprove of the footwear.
“They’re ugly. Just wear sandals,” Hage says.
Whether you like Crocs or not, they’re here and not going away.