One question divides most of BHS, “Do you love or hate Chipotle?” More than fifty-two percent of students surveyed say they love it, while nearly forty-eight percent hate it. Those who said hate link their feelings to sickness.
“I couldn’t make it out of there [Chipotle] without a thirty minute stop at the bathroom first,” said Senior Grant Hopkins.
Chipotle prides itself on its “food with integrity.” Locally grown, handcrafted burritos are part of the mexican grills marketing plan.
Senior Eric Nelson can’t complain about the portions either, “When the burritos are the size of a new born baby, it has to be good!”
The second largest complaint received by students was the lack of authenticity.
“It’s [Chipotle] overrated. You’re paying for an overpriced ‘debris-to.’ Half of the options don’t even come from real mexican dishes,” said Senior Connor Mann.
However, many mexican fast food enthusiast don’t see a grey area in Chipotle. Either they love or hate it. Some can’t explain their feelings without a mexican theme.
“Me gusta chipotle,” said Senior Aaron Rouse.
Arguments seem inevitable as the polar opinions of friends haunt lunch plans throughout BHS.