Living the Dream – Students share their bucket list

Life is an adventure; there is so much to learn, explore, and see in only a life time. Everyone has their own dreams and goals that we persevere to accomplish.
“I want to go to college, said Freshman Natalie Heuton.” I’d like to get married, get closer to God, scuba dive with my dad, visit Australia, and Italy.”
Almost everyone dreams of doing something unforgettable that they’d like to experience in their life. Since everyone only has one life to live, we might as well live it up and make it count.
“In my life I’d like to get married, have kids, and travel the world,”said Freshman Madelyn Ojalehto.
“I want to become the first aquatennial princess or queen from Montrose,” said Senior Taylor Walter. “Then I’d like to get my Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine, and specialize in genetics. I would like my own practice and be a motivational speaker on the side. Most of all I’d love to visit Germany or travel the country teaching others about nutrition, and healthier or more efficient animal practice.”
A bucket list gives your life a purpose. What will you do?
According to some ideas to put on a bucket list include:
1. Ride in a hot air balloon
2. Run in a marathon
3. Go to college
4. Ride the world’s largest roller coaster
5. Meet your favorite Hollywood star
6. Visit all 50 states
7. Skydive
8. Scubadive
9. Ride a mechanical bull
10. Break a Guinness World Record