Juniors to Take ACT at BHS but Details Remain Unclear

As the state of Minnesota has slowly revised it’s standardized testing requirements, our school has seen changes to the way that we take these tests at school. Last year, Freshman were not required to take the MCA Writing Test but instead they devoted a day to creating a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) and touring the Wright Tech Center. This year, more changes are being implemented for the junior class: the ACT is going to be administered for juniors at BHS on April 28th.
The testing will take place during the school day.
“It will be in the classrooms in the ‘A’ wings, it will be proctored by teachers that will be trained on how to proctor and run an ACT,” explained Christina Cox
Teachers will not be teaching classes that day, but rather proctoring tests and supervising underclassmen. They will be trained by our Administrators as well as Ms. Lane for that day. Teachers will also play a key role in helping the very complex day run smoothly.
“9th graders will be doing some Personalized Learning Plan work. they will be going on tours at the Wright Tech Center and working with counselors or trained teachers on the MCIS website on college and career preparation. 10th graders will split their day half and half and will be doing some PLP work and taking their Reading MCA that day, the Reading MCA is all online this year. Seniors will not be here that day,” said Cox.
Unlike other tests supplied by the State, juniors will be required to take responsibility for registering themselves for the test.
“The day that Juniors take the MCA Math Test, they will be registering for the ACT test through the (ACT) website. They will be registering themselves. (this is where they will upload photos and select colleges to send their scores to),” said Cox.
For Juniors that have already taken their ACT, it is still unclear to whether you will be able to “opt-out” of the test.
“We are waiting for clearer communication from the state (regarding “test-out” or “opt-out” options) It’s becoming more of an issue as we get closer to the test, they (the state) will probably have to do some type of statement saying how they will handle it. As a school, we need to test as many students as possible,” explained Cox.
Will all of the unusual activities that are occurring on April 28th, it will make for a long day of hard work.
“The day itself will be long, lunches will be pushed back to the end of the day,” said Cox.