Four years ago, Mark Mischke took over as the principal at BHS. This year’s graduating class will be his first Senior class that he’s been with all four years.
Along with everything being brand new to the Freshmen, Mischke also had to get used to a new school, new staff, and new students.
“When I first started, everything was so new to me as from what to expect. The Freshmen class [which is now the Senior class] seemed like a really nice group of kids that were interested in high school,” said Mischke.
From Freshman to Senior year, the class of 2012 has overcome many obstacles and grown together as a class in different ways. The Senior class has a great ability to handle tough situations and after four years their maturity level has sky rocketed.
“I am very proud of the Seniors and what they have accomplished. I’m proud of the growth I’ve seen in individuals as well, whether it’s a 36 on the ACT or just passing all their classes,” said Mischke.
Connections are one of the most important things in a school. When the students feel connected with the staff it changes the entire atmosphere of the school.
“The fact that he knows everyone shows that he has a passion for his job; it’s more then just a paycheck, he really cares about building us up as people,” said Senior Jake Fredendall.
“He has faith in every student that they can succeed and he;s just an awesome person,” said Senior Kat Lacroix.
Along with making great connections, it is also important to listen to the students’ wants and needs or if they just need to talk to someone.
I’ve talked to him about personal problems I’ve had and he always listened really well.” said Senior Alisha Cole.
With those connections comes great memories. The Senior class as a whole has done some pretty fantastic things together, from cheering on a basketball games to cheering on the Homecoming King and Queen dance off.
“Class color day was one of my favorite memories. The Seniors celebrated being top dogs but the still modeled what I wanted and they were very respectful.” said Mischke.
With graduation in less then eight weeks, stress levels are on the rise but that still doesn’t shatter the positivity that the Seniors have.
“I’m going to miss the positive feel I have when I walk through the Senior locker bay area. Another thing I’ll miss are the one-on-one conversations I have, they’re so different from now from when they were Freshmen,” said Mischke.
“He’s great. I’ve been to a lot of schools and he’s by far the best principle I’ve ever had.” said Senior Kala Czanstkowski.
“He’s the best principle you could ask for because of the amazing connections he makes. He’s young and hip and relatable. He is someone you want to respect not someone to be afraid of,” said Senior Zach Zumbusch.
As much as the students like Mischke, he likes them back just as much and truly cares about them. When asked if he had any last words for the class of 2012 he said this; “Take as much of what you learned and use it in your life after school. Make a positive difference in the world. Thank you for everything you’ve done and for what you will do to better our world.”
I’m going to miss Mischke a lot. Class color day WAS the best(: specially with him leading us all.