After a year full of; cancelations and doubt, the 2021 Prom is officially on the calendar for Saturday, May 1. Due to COVID-19 disruptions, this year’s prom will look different from previous events, and many details are still being worked out, but some aspects of the night are beginning to take shape.
According to Junior Class Cabinet member Grace Bruhn, Grand March and Prom will be held entirely at the BHS campus instead of an outside venue. The prom will be indoor-outdoor, and will be invite-only. Invites are planned to be through Instagram’s Direct Messaging system where the inviters will send a direct message to the lucky invitees.
- Seniors only
- No juniors, even invited by seniors
- No outside guests from other schools
- No DJs or venue
- Indoor outdoor in parking lot, gym, and football field
“If I’m comparing it to planning past years, we haven’t even started,” Bruhn said, “but, if you compare us to other schools, we’re much further into planning.”