
Is Speedball too dangerous?

“I got a broken nose, a black eye, and possibly a mild concussion,” said Sophomore Ben Lepinski, describing his recent Speedball injury.

On October 7, during his Team Fitness class, Lepinski broke his nose after colliding into Sophomore Max Lemp during an intense game of Speedball.

“I got back up, and I could feel my face swell,” Lepinski said. “No one told me my nose was crooked, I just thought I had hurt my face a little bit.”

Lepinski’s mother came at the end of the school day to pick him up and brought him to the hospital afterwards.

“They gave me an x-ray and instantly knew that my nose was broken,” said Lepinski. “At first I thought it [Speedball] was too dangerous, but now I think it was just our own faults and coincidences.”

But what do other students think of the game? To Gym Teacher Scott Sorenson, it’s a favorite for students and teachers alike.

“[The students] love Speedball, it’s the game they want to play more,” Sorenson said. “It’s a good game because of the activity and skill levels to play it.”

Story by Jay Mason
Photos by Emma Rodelius

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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