Many students are under the assumption our school’s internet is far from good, but they’re wrong. This may be assumed from the past years when it was almost a common practice for the internet to be down, but the 2012-2013 school year tells a different story.
“I’ve noticed this year our internet has only gone down a handful of times but I don’t know why it got better this year,” said Junior Sam Odegard.
Few know this, but BHS’s internet connection is possibly the fastest in all of Buffalo which is due to a significant change. Instead of BHS getting their internet through a provider, they now have a direct link to the building which provides all the internet to Minnesota.
“By changing to a direct link to this building, our school is capable of 70+ Mbps internet speeds,” said a knowledgeable computer student, Matt Minor .
What this means is BHS’s internet speed is uncanny. With 70 Mbps internet speeds, teachers are able to load YouTube videos in a matter of seconds instead of letting them load for a half-hour before the students get into the class.
“This has made teaching lessons a lot more convenient,” said Physics Teacher Paul Anderson, “I can think of a cool video while teaching, and show students seconds later without needing to let it load for what seems like days.”
Often times these extreme speeds are only obtainable when school is not in session. This is because there are fewer users online when compared to during school hours. Although it doesn’t matter too much, BHS’s internet speed is lightning quick no matter what.