“I was pregnant and I didn’t know.”

Imagine getting an ultrasound to see if you have a kidney infection, but instead see a head and a hand of the child inside of you.
Delivering her son at two pounds, four ounces, Junior Madison DesMaris didn’t know she was pregnant until she was 28 weeks (nearly seven months) along when she went into the doctor to see if she had a kidney infection.
“I’ve had a few kidney infections,” said DesMaris. “So when I got these pains I thought it was just another one.”
They took an ultrasound to see her kidney and ended up seeing a fetus. Maddy couldn’t believe what she was seeing, she was in shock. She had no symptoms at all. the doctors told her she was around seven months pregnant. The doctors gave her some medicine and told her to go home and rest.
“I was mad they just sent me home, like it was nothing. I didn’t want to go back to Buffalo Clinic.”
The next morning she drove down to Mercy Hospital in Minneapolis and delivered her son, Cameron. He went straight into the ICU.
“He was pretty much as big as my hand” said DesMaris
After being told to go home, she thought about everything she was doing that you shouldn’t have been doing while pregnant.
“I pitched Varsity Softball game the day before,” said DesMaris. “I went to the doctors. I was a little worried.”
Cameron stayed in the hands of nurses and doctors for months. Most premature babies have defects when they deliver this early. Today Cameron is 17 pounds, 15 ounces and couldn’t be healthier.