How our phones are affecting our bodies

Phones are a great tool. We use our cell phones all of the time for thousands of different purposes, but do we know what they’re doing to our bodies? A study done by Nokia shows that cell phone users look at their phones about 150 times a day, once every six-and-a-half minutes, in a day where they are awake for 16 hours. This frequent use can be harmful to our brain and also our reproductive organs.
Your cell phone gives off microwave radiation that can disrupt your DNA and weaken your brain’s protective barrier. Research done by National Institute of Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow, MD, PhD, shows that just 50 minutes of exposure to radiation given off by your cellphone can alter the production of glucose, which fuels your brain. Holding our phones too close to our body can increase our chances of getting various different cancers.
Radiation given off by cell phones can also affect your reproductive organs. Experts in male reproductive health report that overexposure to cell phone radiation causes sperm to become deformed, damage its DNA, and also cause it to die three times faster.
This sounds like a lot of things to worry about, but it turns out there is still a lot of research that needs to be done to prove that cellphones can have a lasting negative effect on our bodies. Although some problems have been found in frequent cellphone users, there isn’t enough consistent evidence to say that cell phones are unsafe.