For the Senior class of 2011, this school year been a year of lasts. Last homecoming, last Snow Daze, and last Prom. Finally, the moment every senior dreads but is also filled with excitement for: Graduation. With a mere 45 days left, seniors have begun counting down, while trying to contain their emotions.
“I am actually very excited for the year to come to an end, not because I hate school but just because I am very excited to see what comes next and to move on with my life,” said Senior Dj McMoil.

For seniors, looking back at the earlier days can be very difficult for some, and for others it can be very exciting and bring tears of excitement to their eyes. Many kids have different viewpoints on how their high school careers panned out.
“I wish I would have stayed in band,” said Senior Delaney Freer. “Everyone who stuck with it seemed to really enjoy it.”
Every senior has their own opinion of what year was their favorite and why. Many people will say that senior year was their favorite which is the more popular answer but when you look back at the differences and time that you had during Freshman, Sophomore, and Juniors year it definitely is a difficult choice to pick a favorite.
“My favorite year was my sophomore year because that’s when I got my license, and everyone else did too, so we were all able to hang out without our parents driving us everywhere,” said Senior Blair Ehmke.
As the year comes to an end, seniors treasure the moments they have left in Buffalo High School. With college next year, everyone will go their separate ways. However, they will all remember the great experiences, friendships, and memories they had at Buffalo High School.