In the senior capstone there are many different talented students, these 25 students have different talents; poetry, comic art, improv theater, fashion design, painting, drawings, monologue, short story, illustrations, photography, graphic design, DJ, pottery, dance, writer, animation, and spoken word. The showcase was on June 3rd, 2010 it was held at the BHS Performing Art Center. Students in this showcase were involved in the arts magnet program. Students pulled most of their work together to make a pamphlet filled with all the information about the Capstone Showcase. Each artist put a piece or two of their work into the pamphlet along with a description of what they enjoy about art and how art effects their lives. Each and every one of these students loves what they do. “The simple fact is: If i didn’t make the art that i do, i wouldn’t be as happy as i am” said Senior Taylor Beck. Many students make the art that they do to express their inner feelings, and to make an impact on the viewers. “I like improv because when I’m doing it i feel like im making a connection with everyone in the room, i like making people laugh” said Senior Dan Comstack.
Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class
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