Student by Day, Custodian by Night

While many students try to balance a job as well as all of their school work, Junior Matt Young has taken a little bit of a different approach to this. Young decided to work at the school and has been working here since June of 2014. ” I chose to work here because my mom had previously worked here so I had a head start, that and the wages are pretty good,” said Young. His responsibilities include cleaning toilets, emptying trash cans, sweeping the floor, and any big messes.
“The hours are actually really flexible to be honest,” said Young. ” In the summer I typically do 20 hours a week, and its flexible, where as I can go five hours each day or I can just go two and a half.” During the school year however, Young is a substitute, so if one of the custodians gets sick or can’t come in to work, Young fills the spot and gets to work. On days he substitutes he will work four hours right after school.
He likes not having to drive to “really weird places,” and have to put on a uniform. “I literally just drive in, grab my route for the day, and I do it.”
While being familiar with the environment he’s working in is a plus, there are still some down sides. “My least favorite thing is that I have to bend over a lot to get to the trash cans.”
Along with not only his least favorite things, Young shared some things that can get frustrating to the other custodians as well. “Squeaking on the floor with their shoes leaves marks all over the floor, and when someone has to mop that up that can get really annoying. Another thing is the paper towel dispensers, when you rip off a paper towel sometimes you leave those tiny little shreds and fragments all over the ground and you have go out and pick each and every single individual one of those up.”
While many would look at a job at the school the worst thing possible, Young seems to be doing just fine. Something like getting to know the custodians and other staff is something not everyone gets to do, maybe he has an advantage.
The school district is now looking for people who want to work as custodians in the summer. You can apply online at