Gender doesn’t seem to be a factor for students when it comes to selecting a favorite teacher. According to an informal survey of 100 students, 50 0f 60 female respondents stated that gender does not play a role in selecting a favorite teacher. 32 of 40 male students felt the same way.
It appears that curriculum and engagement of positive interaction between students and teachers is the decisive factor.
“It doesn’t matter to me because if the teacher is a good teacher, I’m going to like them. It doesn’t matter if they’re male or female, as long as they are willing to help you and actually put effort into teaching, it shouldn’t matter,” said Junior Emily Linderholm.
Students were also asked what characteristics they preferred in a teacher. There was a uniform response with students stating that most of them felt that they were cared about on a personal level as well as at an academic point of view. Leadership was listed as important along with confidentiality. It seems logical that students learn best and are engaged knowing that they have the trust and respect of their teacher. This concept goes both ways. In order for learning to take place there must be a mutual respect. The responsibility of learning is a two-way street. The student must show effort and interest in learning. The teacher must grab onto that slice of effort offered to guide it and nurture it.
“I want to be able to relate to the students on their level and I want to be open and honest to the students so they know that I am genuine. I don’t think gender matters in having a favorite teacher as long as the student and the teacher have a good relationship,” said Social Studies teacher Mike Curry.
Students want to have fun while they are learning and a little humor along the way by a teacher could help the students stay engaged while they are in the classroom.
“Since I can learn from any style of teaching, I think a good teacher is just someone who knows the curriculum and can teach it in a fun way. A little sarcasm and humor is always good too. Like Davidson, Keif, Knutson, and Schneider,” said Junior Dominick Dahmen.
Photo: Andrew DesMarais