Many things mothers do go unnoticed and unappreciated in every day life. To an everyday high school student a simple “thank you” is all a mom needs and wants to hear. On occasion, maybe even a loving hug would do, but when it comes to Mother’s Day, more than a “thank you” is needed. Mother’s Day is a day to step it up and show how truly appreciative people are for their mother’s.
People all over the United State’s have different traditions for celebrating Mother’s Day. Some of the most popular gifts are flowers and cards. Some high school students took it a step father.
“My brother and sister and I bought Twin’s tickets so we can go to a game as a family,” said Junior Erika Doimer.
Sophomore Jaden and her stepfather took it above and beyond. “My stepdad and I re-did our whole living room for my mom,” she said.
With all those nice gifts, there are some mother’s who have families that forget it’s even Mother’s Day.
“I went to a niece’s house as my children failed to plan anything for me,” said Guidance Counselor Deb Anderson.
As everyone knows, Mother’s Day is a day to appreciate mother’s and show love towards them. Many high school students had great reasons for why they love and appreciate their mother’s.
“My mom supports five kids on her own. It’s a miracle in itself. I love her and she knows that,” said Senior Calli Durst.
Sophomore Paige Schumacher has endless reasons for loving her mom.
“I appreciate my mom because she gives me clothes, a roof over my head, food in my mouth, and gives me more love than I could ever need.”
Mother’s are always willing to do whatever is needed for their families and give 100% effort in order to keep everyone going.
“I love my mo because she is always there for me and is like my best friend. She always knows what best for me. It’s hard to sum my mom up in one word,” said Sophomore Caitlin Pitts.
Students aren’t the only one’s who appreciate their mother’s on Mother’s Day. Buffalo High School’s staff also have reasons.
“I appreciate that my mom loves me and loves my children,” said Physical Education Teacher Nick Guida.
Some students believe that loving their mother is required, or because it says ‘Honor your father and your mother’ in the Bible. Junior Caleb Ruter has a different reason.
“I’m thankful for my mom and love her because I popped out of her.”
Without mother’s in this world, many people would be lost.
Sophomore Austin Ellefson said, “I love my mom becase she’s the most amazing person in the world and I appreciate everything my mom does for me. I’d be living in a box if it wasn’t for her.”