Flappy Bird: The Newest Trend

At Buffalo High School there’s always different fads going around. The most recent thing that most students are talking about is the popular game “Flappy Bird”. Flappy Bird was released last year for iOS devices but just recently began gaining popularity. There’s a lot of talk going around about the app in classrooms, in the halls and, on social networking sites. The game seems pretty simple, just get the bird to fly in between sections of pipe but, it’s a lot harder than it looks.
Even teachers are playing the game.
“A student of mine made me try the game and I played it on my iPad. I had to get rid of the app because I felt like it was not a good way to handle my anger management. My high score is 11.” Mr. Davidson, a 9th grade American Experience teacher said.
There’s not much good talk going around the popular app.
“I think it’s the worst game ever, it’s super hard. I ended up deleting it because it was so annoying and complicated.” said Freshman Mateo Johnson who has a high score of 82.
The feeling of accomplishment can play a big role towards being addicted to the app.
“I was really proud of myself even when my high score was just 7.” said Sophomore Luke Boyle.
It’s not very common to come across someone who has a score above 100 but, Freshman Cade Stensby has a score of 151.
“I think the game is fun and I’m definitely addicted to playing it.” said Stensby.
Apparently, the developer is going to take the came down rather soon…https://twitter.com/dongatory/status/432227971173068800