
First Snowfall Effects

 2:00 am, October 10,2009 marked the first snow fall for Buffalo. This is early, even for Minnesota looking back at the day in history. Last year, the first snowfall was on October 26. Although there is not a huge difference in days, most people are not prepared for snow this early.

Last year on October 10, there was low winds, but the high was 54 degrees. This year on the October 10, the high was only 32 degrees.

“I was surprised because it was so early in the year,” said Senior Megan Ackerman, “but I was already used to it being cold out. The only major difference is that it makes track hard because snow is not good to run in.”

Although the snow from Saturday did not stay long, Buffalo will not be without snow for long.

Kare 11 reports that Buffalo could be getting snow as early as Wednesday, October 14, and well as the Thursday and Friday that follow, with temperatures reaching an average high of 42 degrees.

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