
First Date Experiences

The first date for us seniors can be hard, but its something that we will remember.

Melanie Lewis

“Well technically Mat and I had been together for six months before we had our first date.  My parents wouldn’t allow us to go out alone until I turned 18.  We were very excited to not only be going on our first date but also to go out alone for the first time.  We had been friends for four years so it was a long awaited time together.  Mat planned the whole day as a surprise for me.  He showed up in the early afternoon to pick me up with a big bouquet of roses.  I was so excited to finally be able to spend alone time with not only my boyfriend, but my best friend.  I had wanted to get my nose pierced ever since I can remember so the first thing we did was drive into uptown to St. Sabrina’s, a famous piercing and tattoo parlor.  My heart was beating so fast but as soon as I got onto the piercing bed I tried to close my eyes and stay calm.  It hurt so much less than I thought it would.  While I was trying to stay calm, Mat saw the needle go through my nose and he got grossed and a little scared seeing a huge needle go into my nose.  I was in no pain. That is until we get into the car. I didn’t talk at all on the way home, because moving my lip meant my nose moved which equaled a lot of pain.  After a long car ride back I started to feel better and we were able to go out to dinner.  We had talked about going to red lobster, so he surprised me even though its not his favorite food. Then we went to Nadia’s cake for the first time for me and picked out a special cupcake.”

Not every date goes according to plan though.

Marcell Mikkelson

“I was in sixth grade and we [my date and I] went to see the movie with Will Smith and he was the last guy on Earth…I am Legend is the movie.  I don’t remember what movie we were going to see but it was sold out so that’s why we saw I am Legend.  So while watching the movie I got up to pee like six times.  It was a scary movie then.”

‘Les’ Stuhr

“One time me and my girlfriend went out to eat at Ahola Chinese in Buffalo.  When it was time to pay I realized that I didn’t have my wallet, so my girlfriend had to pay for our food.  It was embarrassing.”

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Taylor Simone

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain


"Sometimes fall apart so better things can fall together." Marilyn Monroe

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