
First BHS Mock Accident happening next week

Buffalo High School is going to have its first Mock Accident Scenario next week on Tuesday, May 3. This accident is promoting awareness of safe driving around prom. Several BHS students will be involved in the crash to portray what can happen if students make bad choices on prom night. Some of the poor choices illustrated will be driving while distracted and intoxicated and choosing not to wear a seat belt. Counselors will be available throughout the event f0r those who need them.

The schedule looks like this:

8:20 a.m.- Juniors and Seniors are dismissed

8:30 a.m.- Scenario Begins- scenes revealed

9:20 a.m.- Scene ends- students excused to the PAC for brief

discussion on the accident

9:50 a.m.- Students are dismissed to second block

If anyone needs a counselor after the scenario, stick around and they will assist you with anything.

So, when you hear sirens, cop cars, a helicopter lifting off, and people in panic, you know that it’s the mock accident outside the school. This will be a real eye opener to students at BHS.

This event is designed to show students the reality of life when they choose bad decisions. The goal is that, on prom night, kids should always think twice before making decisions. This crash should influence them to do the right thing, but have fun while be positive.

Prom Goers: Be safe, Have fun, and Don’t DRINK and DRIVE.

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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