iPhone Settings

Have you ever wondered how much of your battery is being used on your Iphone?
“I have wondered why sometimes when I use certain apps my battery dramatically drains.” Said Senior Elise Swanson.
New in the iOS 8 settings application is the ability to track battery usage per each app you have installed on your device. This method is very similar to tracking your cellular data usage. Previously in iOS 7, it shows you how much you used the battery and how long the battery was on standby since the last full charge, but it did not define or describe how that was effected.
To monitor and track your battery usage in iOS 8, go into settings, click on general then usage. Go to Battery usage on the top and it will display the the battery usage in percentages it will give you two options either the past 24 hours or the last 2 days.
“Showing the different percentages of battery that are being used throughout the day or the last two days. I find this advantage very helpful, I didn’t know much about it. Although, now I find myself using it frequently to help monitor my usage of my iPhone.” Explained Swanson