
Exciting Win For Girl’s Softball Friday Night

The girl’s softball team played Monticello Friday night. They beat Monticello 15 to 5 in the bottom of the 5th.

In the 1st inning the Bison had an error and that brought in 3 runs for Monticello. In the bottom of the 3rd Emily Varner hit a double bringing in Kasey and Kendra Wycoff bringing the score 3 to 2 with Monticello leading.

In the top of the 4th, Monticello brought in a run making it a 4 to 2 lead over the Bison. Many hits for the bison with errors made by Monticello in the bottom of the 4th made the Bison take a huge lead making the score 11 to 4. Monticello scored 1 run in the 5th making it 11 to 5. In the bottom of the 5th the Bison had many singles which brought in 3 runs and an error by Monti making the score 15 to 5.

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