
End of the Comedy Sportz Year

Getting up on stage, making jokes, improvising scenes, and just laughing with your friends is what Comedy Sportz is all about. Comedy Sportz is an organization located in the Twin Cities. Coach’s travel to different schools to give high school students the opportunity to practice their improv skills.A coach comes to Buffalo High School to help students practice their improv. During practices after school they do different games that involve making up skits, acting out scenes, and finishing each others sentences.

 “It’s a bunch of improv games made into a performance to entertain people,” explained Junior Zach Mohler. “ I’m not really sad that its ending, but  I don’t want it to be over”

 On April 4 the Comedy Sportz Team gave their last performance of the year. The performance included many games where certain team members would act out a whole improvised scene. The audience participates in the performance by giving topics for a scene.

 “The first year of Comecdy sportz was when I was a freshman, so i have been in it every year,” said Junior Bryce Bishop. “I’m excited for the incoming freshmen, and being  the first Comedy Sportz veteran next year.”

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Jessica Faust

I've been in dance for 8 years, and I like cats.

Tiffany Kramer

"The way life treats you is not always fair, but truth and love is there." I love to go ice fishing, hunting, and i just finished restoring an old fram tractor last year with my dad. I also went to gooseberry falls over the past summer.

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