
Opinion: Snow Daze dress up days participation disappointing

Remember Homecoming week? The crazy outfits, the loud music during passing time, laughing and screaming, no judging of anybody for one whole week.

Half way through the year, the tradition returns with Snow Daze. For some reason, over the years, the excitement of Snow Daze seems to be dying down.

“The days just seem to be the same every year. All white day, crazy outfit, something Hawaii-looking, and then one day that we had two years ago. There just boring,” said Junior Kassidy Duffney.

During my Freshman year three years ago, it seemed like everyone that walked by in the hallway was dressed head to toe, competing for the “Best Dressed” title. As the years went on, fewer people seem to partake in the “festivity”. This year, I heard complaints about the music and negative remarks about the themes for dress up days.

If students had more involvement in the dress up theme choices, more would dress up. We don’t have any say on Homecoming, Prom or anything else of that nature. Snow Daze isn’t a major deal, so letting the student body have a say in it could only help it.

“I think it’s funny how the people who decide the days don’t even dress up themselves,” said Senior Cody Rothstein.

The facility puts a lot of restrictions on the days that we can do. But that doesn’t mean that we should just settle for what were used to. Hopefully throughout the years, the days can be a little more creative.

“My friend in Dassel has days like Neon Camo, Duct Tape Day and things like that. They get really creative,” said Junior Maggie Walstrom.

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