BHS One Act featured at State Festival
The One Act advanced to State after taking first place unanimously at the Section competition.

This year’s BHS One Act, Bury the Dead, performed at the State Festival on Thursday, February 9. The cast and crew earned second place at Subsections with a judge’s ranking of 1-1-5 and was named the top play at Sections with a perfect 1-1-1 rating. .Judges’ scores are based on placing each show out of all the acts they saw, meaning a 1 is the highest score possible.
“It was more of a team,” Avery Russek 26’ said. “Everybody likes everybody and everybody was one.”
Everyone working and advancing their skills together brought what was previously assorted theatre students into a team. This year’s crew featured two freshmen.
“The seniors were super inviting, and they never got cocky,” Russek said.
Bury the Dead was not among the three schools that received a Starred Performance Rating at the State Festival.