Elementary Classrooms all piled into Buffalo High School Performing Arts Center on Wednesday to watch the very first performance of Once Upon a Mattress. One of the classrooms sitting in the auditorium was Sharon Herzfeld’s fourth and fifth grade class from Parkside Elementary.
“I thought it was cool they invited us,” said fifth grader Jayden Perry. “We were the first to see the play.”

The young students were enthusiastic when describing their experiences watching the characters perform. The class was full of laughter when talking about the Queen and the Jester’s costumes.
“The queen’s hat was tall and had a long veil,” said fourth grader Rachael Hall.
“The jester was awesome,” said fifth grader Carter Stein. “His shoes were pretty cool. They had lots of different colors and it made his feet look big.”
Some of the young audience members left the play with some profound thoughts.
“Beauty isn’t everything,” said fourth grader Abigail Shreves.“Usually all guys care about is beauty and being perfect. The princess was wearing rags and the prince still liked her for who she was.”
Coming to the high school and being able to watch the play and meet the cast members was important to the class.

“It was like taking pictures with famous people,” said Herzfeld’s class. “We all felt really special meeting the cast members.”
The students shared with excitement on how important they felt of having the privilege of meeting the cast.
“I like how we got to high-five all the cast members at the end,” said fourth grader Jack Toffefdal. ”Its like they were famous.”
Story by Maddi Herzfeld and Bailey Hanson