FFA completes successful fundraisers
Despite the troubling economic times facing the rest of the school, the BHS agriculture students are thriving, proving that big things are being accomplished in the 2008-2009 school year.
FFA in Buffalo remains stable through their many meaningful and prosperous fundraisers. The two best known of which, are the Corn Drive, and Fruit Sales, both of which were successful this year, despite the troublesome economic situation many people are facing.

“With the economy being so bad over the holiday season,” said Junior Tanner Bauman “I think people decided to be more conscious about the gifts they gave, which helped us out, because we sold more fruit then ever before.”
With over $22,000 in total fruit sales, FFA is thriving, and preparing to send multiple teams to compete at state.
“I think we are doing a good job proving that hard work will prevail, and leading other school groups by example.” Said sophomore Megan Neske.