Senior Privileges

Fourth Quarter is the begin for the glorified Senior privileges. Senior students are given the opportunity to have the last 20 minutes of the day to themself. Students have used this right in a variety of ways.
“I think they’re a great reward to us seniors for walking the halls of BHS for four long years,” said Senior Eli Etzel. “I get to go enjoy my sweet time in the comfort of my home.”
Some students are satisfied by the extra 20 minutes, but some students there should be more reward for their final months of the 13 year public schooling process.
“Senior privileges are good, but I think they could do a little better than 20 minutes at the end of the day,” said Senior Kellie Robinson. “Giving us the option to leave for lunch or something like that would be a step up.”
Along with an early release, seniors also get a Senior Appreciation Day (aka Senior Skip Day) the Friday before prom. This is a day looked forward to highly by most seniors, and the day is never waisted.
“I am probably going to go to my friends softball game and then pamper before prom,” said Senior Julia Hogan. “But let’s be honest, I’ll probably watch full house all day.”
Some seniors plan fun days in the cities and sleepovers on that Thursday.
“My friends and I are going the zoo,” said Robinson. “I’m so excited. You look forward to this day for a long time.”