Buffalo High school has adapted a new schedule for the 2019-2020 school year. The new schedule will get rid of Bison Time and AAA in favor of Advisory and Support Time. The schedule was approved by the school board at the March 25th meeting.
After much debate and planning, a committee of teachers, known as the BHS Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Team, created a new schedule to improve students usage of time. Next year’s schedule will get rid of Bison Time and AAA, and instead will have two types of mid-day “study halls” called Advisory and Support Time. Advisory will focus on the development of a four-year relationships between students and a staff member, and school-wide curriculum with common language and skills. Support time will promote Student Activity Time, Enrichment, and Interventions tied to Promise Standards in Common Courses.
Mondays and Fridays will consist of 77-minute blocks, with a 30 minute advisory after First Block. This will be similar to Prime Time at BCMS, with the same teacher, and students from all grades in the class.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays every block will be 75 minutes, with 25 minutes of Support Time in between first and second block, and a 32-minute lunch. In Support Time students will be sent to a class, decided by their teachers, where they will either complete missing work or study.
On Wednesdays, classes will be 86 minutes long, with no Advisory or Support Time built into the day.
The new schedule comes alongside several rapid-fire changes affecting BHS this year and next year. Between the removal of bathroom doors, next year’s cell phone policy, and potential rule changes to the use of backpacks, Buffalo High School is shaping up to look increasingly different in the coming school years. The photo above is the schedule for the 2019-2020 school year. For more information on the BHS Multi-Tiered Support System, click here.