The technology department is urging students to log off Google Docs, G-mail, and anything else they log into on public computers after a series of inappropriate messages were sent on other student’s accounts.
“If you’re on a public machine, don’t stay logged in,” said Interim Technology Director Ed Cox. “More people than just you use that computer.”
People who stay logged into G-mail and Google Docs leave themselves open for security problems, the next person who uses the computer after you don’t log off has access to your messages and google docs. Some people take advantage of when you don’t log off, and send messages to other people so it looks like it is from you, or write a document and save it under your name. The messages and documents are severely inappropriate and the person who forgot to log off is blamed.
“ Being in a journalism class, you’re on the computer a lot,” said Junior Megan Metz. “ And I guess I just forgot sign out, so the next day I logged on and went to my documents and found that someone had gone on and made an inappropriate document, I was really frustrated, I mean yeah it was my fault for forgetting to log off, but I would have just appreciated if that person would have just logged off for me.”
Students can log off Google Docs and G-mail by clicking their username on the top right corner of the screen.
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