Term two at BHS will come to an end today. This means that two term classes will end and new ones will begin. Students must prepare themselves for a new schedule, new teachers, and new classmates. In order to get themselves ready for the new term they must survive their last week of term two first. For most BHS students their last week of the term is filled with finals, stress, and last minute projects.
“I’m relieved that the quarter is ending because it means a new start and a fresh beginning,” said Sophomore Whitney Nyholm. “This last week has been super stressful. I’ve had many exams and almost no time to study for them. Right now I’m taking Spanish 2, Higher Algebra, American History, and Art. It’s an absolute crazy schedule. I have finals in almost every class and tons of final projects.”
The final week of term two is stressful and super busy. Term two consists of 43 school days. Students can look back at these 43 days and all their achievements, improvements, and memories they made along the way.
“I feel like it’s one of the hardest quarters because first quarter is when they’re just easing you into the year,” said Sophomore Macena Kaiser. “Third quarter is a new start so it’s a lot like first quarter. That’s what I think of when I think of second quarter.”
![quarter 2a[1]](https://www.hoofprint.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/quarter-2a1-300x200.jpg)
“Finishing term two is one of the biggest reliefs in the world,” said Nyholm. “I’m excited to start my second half of sophomore year. It’ll be even better then the first half.”
Story by Tiffany Kramer and Taylor Holt