BHS Students favorite Teacher?

A recent poll was taken around Buffalo High School asking who peoples favorite teacher was. The results are more surprising than you think Did your favorite teacher get mentioned?
I asked 50 students around BHS and got a bunch of different choices and not having any teacher come out as a clear choice. Getting a lot different reasons why that teacher was their favorite. Some of the most favorite reasons being when the teacher treated them fairly.
“Mr. Swanson was my favorite,” said Junior Julia McAlpin. “He’s super compassionate towards his job and cares about everyone.”
Most people choose their favorite teacher because they connect with students and knew their curriculum, not just because they are laid back and let them go on their phones.
“Nickelson was my fav,” said Junior Jenna Palmer. “She’s really nice and knew that every student learns in different ways. She was the best Spanish teacher I’ve had yet.”
One of the few more popular choices was Woods Teacher Kurt Konsela. The most popular reason for students to choose Konsela is for his understanding that students have lives outside of school.
“I’d say Konsela,” Sophomore Emma Loch said. He’s funny and he doesn’t just focus on your wood project. He teaches life lessons and is very approachable to talk to for being a teacher.”
Another more popular teacher was Art Teacher Jon Gunderson who also teaches drivers’ ed.
“I liked Gunderson he’s hilarious, and he knows how to make your time in class enjoyable and makes you wanna go to class,” said Junior Lauren Zweifel.