BHS Celebrates National FFA Week

National FFA week wraps up tomorrow and members at Buffalo High School are celebrating. On Monday there was a fun day for FFA members, on Wednesday four FFA members went to Mrs. Ramsey’s third grade class at Tatanka to talk to the kids about agriculture, and this morning there was be a staff breakfast put on by FFA.
About 15 FFA members hung out in the agriculture room on Monday playing games like Apples to Apples, Farkle, hockey and eating ice cream and pizza. The Wednesday ‘Cheeseburger blowup’ went over well with members explaining to the elementary kids where each part of a cheeseburger comes from. This morning, FFA members arrived at the high school at 5:30 to prepare for the breakfast they will serve staff members from 6:30 to 7:30.

The Corn Count is another event of the week that’s set up in the lunch room. Students can guess the number of kernals in a jar of corn and the closest guess gets a Dairy Queen gift card. Also, four FFA members will participate in the FFA day at the Capitol where members from all over Minnesota get to tour and talk with key law makers about agriculture. All of the events this week are meant to raise awareness about FFA and what they do. Unlike many other schools, Buffalo doesn’t have dress-up days or in-school activities for FFA week and that’s because Snow Daze has always fallen on the same week.
“In the high school where I taught last year, Snow Daze was in January so it didn’t overlap with FFA week,” said Agriculture Teacher Kari Stai. “We did activities with the whole school, like Ag. Olympics, which we could do here during a AAA or something. Maybe in the future NHS and FFA could do something together to get more awareness out because most students don’t know about FFA week.”