BHS Choir Starts Solos And Ensembles
the annual tradition gives students the chance to get evaluated on their singing

March 3 was just a regular day of school for most people, but not for the choir students who prepared for Solo Ensembles later that evening. Some performed late in the evening but stayed at school until their scheduled performance to get their last bits of practice in while trying not to worry too much about the judges.
Students have been preparing themselves for Solo and Ensembles since January, one of those being Kyra Sorensen, a pink haired freshman new to the annual tradition in the music department.
This was only the judging portion and not the actual competition, but the practice helps many with improving.
“We’ve taken quite a bit of time to go out and practice,” said Sorensen, speaking for both them and their partner who would be doing a duet to “Homeward Bound” later at 8:10 p.m..
Buffalo has way more music opportunities than many other schools. Kyra came from a different school where musical opportunities were much fewer.
“Singing in front of a judge and then giving you tips definitely helps you improve and look over what you did that I liked and what did I do that I wanted to improve,” said Sorensen after their performance, which was a success because of their Superior rating and a celebratory trip to McDonald’s.