Runners shave heads in preperation in Section Meet tonight
Last night, boys Cross Country runners shaved their heads in preparation for their section meet in Hutchinson at 4:00 this afternoon. Fourteen teams will be competing tonight, Senior runner Dan Pettit has assumed that Buffalo will take second.

Four out of the seven boys runners decided to shave their heads for this meet and some didn’t have a lot of choice, like Freshman Frank Graham.
“Dan picked me up and said that I would be getting my head shaved,” said Graham “I was okay about it, because it was for Dan”
Some runners said they shaved their head for a mental advantage, and others think it makes them run faster.
“I shaved my head so I would run faster even though it actually doesn’t make you run faster. It’s just a mental boost,”said Pettit “Like, ‘Oh, I shaved my head, I am going to run faster.”
While shaving their head had prepared them mentally running every day in practice prepared them physically for their section meet.
Story by Sydney Driver