Students break out their dance moves at the 2013 Adapted Prom

Walking into the Medina ballroom, a disco ball hung in the center of the dance floor, creating illuminating lights that flashed all around the room. Students from different transition schools and high schools made their way to the dancefloor to kick off the 2013 adapted prom.
Dressed in their formal wear, boys showed off their ties while the girl’s spun around in their dresses.
“All the boys looked handsome, and all the girls looked gorgeous. All my friends looked so good.” said Freshman Amanda Aberle. “I wore earrings and my mom curled my hair.”
“I got dressed up that morning,” said Sophomore Chelsey Angermeier. “I picked out my dress all by myself.”
“My dad picked out my tie for me, I like getting dressed up.” said Sophomore Noah Affeldt.
When Gangnam Style boomed through the speakers, students rushed out to the dance floor to show off their moves. The macarena and the chicken dance were also some of the favorites that played during the prom.
“We got to sing and dance to the Macarena,” said Aberle. “We got to see some people at the dance that we knew from our softball games from other schools, that was fun.”
“Dancing with my friends was my favorite part,” said Angermeier. “It’s fun to have all day to talk with my friends.”
“I liked the music because they played some of my favorite songs,” said Senior Devon Jones. “I wish we had those dances more often.”
As the danced ended, students said goodbye to their new friends in hopes to see them again soon.
“The dance was good. It was fun meeting new people and making friends while dancing at the same time.” said Junior Tyler Pinor. “I’m going to have to come back for it again next year.”
Story & Pictures by Bailey Hanson & Maddi Herzfeld