French Club: January and February Activity Meeting
Club Français, or otherwise known at French club is a extra curricular activity for French students, or students who are interested in French. In the club they do activities that relate to French or the francophone world. French club started in 2007 by two seniors who approached French Club Adviser and Teacher Jason Swanson. Those two seniors did all the back ground work and got it started. The club now meets once per month for a meeting, and once per month for an activity.
“I joined to learn more about French culture,” said Freshman Erin Lochner.

Every year there are set activities that they will do, and there are activities which the members discuss the activity. In January the club will always do the Tire Sur la Neige which is where they make caramel and pour it over snow. During the month of February they always celebrate Mardi Gras by having a party and making crepe, which according to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary crepes are a small very thin pancake.
Tire Sur la Neige activity will be on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 2:50 p.m. There is only 30 openings for the participants of French Club to do this activity, and they have to pay a non refundable fee of three dollars for the supplies. French Club is not district funded, therefore, participants and Adviser, Jason Swanson have to pay for the activities and put in their own time. For this activity students pour hot caramel over fresh snow, but if the snow isn’t fresh, it doesn’t work out.
“If its not fresh snow, it tastes like freezer burn,” said Swanson.
Last year when Tire Sur la Neige was held it didn’t work out well, due to not fresh snow. This year if the snow is not fresh wax paper will be used. Another new this this year French Club will be trying is syrup.

On February 16, 2010 at 2:50 p.m. the French Club will be celebrating Mardi Gras. 30 members of French Club will participate in making the annual crepe activity. For members to attend they have to sign up, and pay five dollars. With that money Swanson goes out and buys all ingredients to make the crepe. Many different fillings are used such as nutella and fruits. MEmbers will learn the technique of flipping the crepe without a spatula and behind there backs. Swanson will bring a euro, flip it [crepe], and its good luck. Having a euro in the persons hand while flipping crepes is a superstition for good luck.
“The point is to get together and try different things from a different culture,” said Swanson.