As the school year is ending, BHS students are counting down for summer. Many are eager to experience new adventures and grab every opportunity they can to make their summer memorable. Here are some number one activities BHS Students have put on their bucket list:
“I would love to go bungee jumping.” – Freshman Amber Styve
“Go to Egypt and see the pyramids.” – Senior Kyle Syverson
“Choose a college and career field.” – Junior Jordan Johnson
“Become famous, because I want to see famous ladies and gentleman.” -Freshman Alec Willard
“Go on a road trip around Minnesota. I think it would be fun to see all the great sights Minnesota has to offer.” -Junior Justin Huhn
“Skydiving, that would be an unbelievable experience.” -Junior Adam Hartung
“See Limp Bizkit on tour. They are amazing and bring me back to my childhood.” -Senior Nic Ernhart
“Catch a fishie with my hands.” – Freshman Jordan Sigurdson
“Go mudding, I’ve always wanted to do that, especially on a rainy day.” -Junior Hannah Norton
“Make Bank, I don’t want money from my rents.” – Junior Drake Wohlenhaus
“Enter in a demo derby, it would be fun to beat a bunch of guys.” – Junior Nikki Otto
“Do a demo for my new album.” Senior Jade Dietz
“Go to Guatemala.” -Junior Tori Tonn
“Join a polo team and play in the rain with a lot of British people.” -Freshman Dylan Alexander
“Cliff Diving.” – Junior Mia Velasquez
“Take a road trip to nowhere specific. I love road trips and spontaneous acts.” – Junior Sammy Berg
Everyday Students at BHS are getting more anxious to accomplish their summer bucket list.
“I wanna have a ton of memories, and do crazy stuff that I haven’t before. I want to make my summer matter,” said Freshman Keyara Perry.
By Anne Kaminski & Meghan Bye
This is super cool!