New Additions to BHS Approach Completion

Over the winter two new major additions to the school took shape. These additions, a new gymnastics gym and a dance room/staging area, were made possible by the bond that was passed in 2014. Both projects should be completed by graduation, but with the nice weather that we have had they are estimated to be done by mid May. The addition that is being added to the main gym is for a permanent space for the gymnastics equipment to be set up year round. Currently, when the gymnastics equipment is stored, it takes up an entire room adjacent to the gymnastics room. With this new space for the gymnastics gear to be set up year round, the old storage space will be available for gym teachers in class.
Construction Manager Tom Bauman said “The gymnastics and the basketball games, you can’t have them on the same night. Let’s say there is a floor exercise and a girl has got her music going and a referee on the other side blowing his whistle… it just doesn’t work”. The new additions will allow gymnastics and basketball to happen on the same night. The other building going up near the orchestra room is new space set aside for a dance class room as well as a storage space. These projects will also help alleviate some scheduling issues between Orchestra and Dance as well and let Orchestra and Band practice for concerts without One Act Play having to take down their set.