The last Friday before Summer Break was Student Appreciation Day. Along with that, students received their yearbooks. The yearbook team has been working hard all year to get this award-winning book together.
“We’ve been doing stuff for [the yearbook] for a long time,” said Junior Hanna Van Den Einde, “so it’s kind of surreal having the book here.”
Because she is a junior, Van Den Einde said that the day wasn’t as sad for her because she’s looking forward to doing it again next year.
“It’s really cool seeing everything put together and everybody out there just looking at their yearbooks,” Senior Aydin Scherber said. “It’s more sad for others because this is my first year… but it was definitely sad to be leaving and see the last thing come together.”
As for the hardest thing about the yearbook, Scherber talked about how it was difficult being able to “do your best to reach out to everybody, and not exclude anyone. We try and get as many different people as we can.” Van Den Einde added that making a good interview can be complicated.

When looking out to the cafeteria, it was clear to see how many people were excited about reading the yearbooks. Sophomore Olivia Uecker was sitting with her friends, admiring the yearbook member’s work.
“I like the yearbook, it showed a lot of good memories from the year. I think we’re pretty lucky to have a good yearbook, because it would kind of suck to have a bad one,” Uecker said. “When you look back on a yearbook and it wasn’t well done, then you don’t really have anything to show your kids. I mean, I look at my parents yearbooks, and they’re really fun to see.”
The last few days of school are here, and Yearbook Distribution Day marks the end of another year. It’s great to see all the amazing work the yearbook crew has put into making a book that will live on for years to come. The student body is grateful to all those who come together to make this book possible.
By Caitlin Drews and Hazel Wintermantel