“10 Ways to Be Better in Bed”

Sex. Sex. And even more sex.
That is pretty much what the magazine Cosmopolitan is about. Every cover has something to do with sex; whether it’s how to be better at it or learning new things to do in bed. Why is there a woman’s magazine pretty much dedicated to the subject?
“ I don’t like the magazine at all. I think that there’s a hidden message behind it saying that you [girls] are a terrible person,” said english teacher Ryan McCallum.
Even if the message is that girls are a terrible person then the magazine is showing that sex is the answer. I don’t think girls should have sex just because a magazine is telling them that it is okay. Sex is a big deal, once you have lost your virginity you can never get it back. Instead of Cosmo (Cosmopolitan) telling young girls how they can be better in bed why not teach girls and women about safe sex and the dangers that can come with it?
Maybe they [Cosmo magazine] do talk about that; I wouldn’t know because I never have picked up one of their magazines. I do not want to read about sex and how to be better at it; it makes me uncomfortable, and I’m sure that I’m not the only girl or guy who thinks that. Even some stores like Target cover up the front of the magazine so people don’t have to see it.
From another perspective people could also be used to seeing things like that. If that is the case then what has our world/ generation come to? Young girls should not be used to seeing things about sex, and learning new position they could try. They shouldn’t even know what sex is until they are older and understand the importance of it.
“It [magazine] seems wrong… it’s sending a bad message if teens are sexually active,” said Junior Jacob Bonde agreeing with McCallum.
People might even think that other people who read it aren’t ‘the best’. When I asked people if they knew about Cosmo some just looked at me like I was crazy and others seemed to shy away from me asking them. When they would shy away that shows me that they aren’t happy about other people knowing that they read Cosmo. People shouldn’t feel bad about a magazine that they are reading; that’s not what magazines are for.
Cosmo is almost a promographic magazine with the content it has. There is even Cosmo Men magazine that helps guys with sex. When will this magazine company stop with all the sex? Probably never because people keep buying it. I personally don’t think that girls or guys should be reading it, and maybe stores shouldn’t be selling them. People can read this magazine all they want; I am one person who won’t be reading it though.