20+ bikes, 12 Broken Bones, Yet an Urge to Continue

Winter sports are coming to a close and for Freshman Mateo Johnson this means one thing, getting back on his bike. Dirt biking has been a part of Johnson’s life ever since he was three, and he’s eager to return to the track this upcoming spring.
“Dirt biking is my favorite thing to do,” said Johnson. “I’ve ridden my whole life, and I have yet to get sick of it.”
Riding in the off-season proves to be difficult here in Minnesota. However, Mateo goes to far extents to practice and stay sharp. Competing at a national level and winning multiple races requires a big commitment to the sport, and Mateo has just that.
“During the winter I go to an indoor track known as ‘The Sandbox’ in Wisconsin,” exclaimed Mateo. “We usually go a few times a month.”
Racing is by no means an inexpensive sport. It’s not only the cost of the bike you factor in, its also the travel costs, hospital visits, and time commitment that all can take a toll on your check book. Despite 12 broken bones, owning over 20 dirt bikes, and the constant travel, Mateo’s family is completely supportive, recognizing Mateo may have a future in dirt biking.
“It can be exhausting at times with all the travel, but it’s a fun environment to be around,” said his sister, Junior Sammy Johnson. “I’ve made tons of friends at the track that I look forward to seeing every year, not to mention some hot guys too.”
Despite all the time and effort, Johnson says its all worth it, as he plans to continue to ride for many years to come.
(Photo Credit: Keith)