Clash of Clans

Clash of clans is a new trend here at BHS, we have students participating in clan groups. The students here have been really serious with their “clanning”.
According to Senior Jay Bollum clash has become more of a lifestyle than just a game.
“Clash has become more than a game to me, it’s a lifestyle,” said Bollum. “Clash before smash. The B pounders are on the verge of becoming a very prestigious clan due to the hard work our members have put in on to make their village as good as possible.”
Not only do students clash outside of school, but Senior Nolan Triden clashes during school as well.
“Clashing has made my life more fun and enjoyable, I clash all day everyday even in school,” said Triden. “It kind of interferes with my studies.”
Clash of Clans has been a good way to get the competitiveness out in a positive way. It’s a game that a group of friends can play together without being right next to them.
“Clash has brought out my competitive nature I am constantly clashing to try to get my village better than my friends,” said Senior Cameron Sonju.
Clash of clans is a huge impact on some people, you all have to come together in Clan wars because if your clan is not doing so well and you get kicked out of the clan. You might take that to heart and really feel like you don’t match your friends skill and be left out.
“It has made me realize that I have no life, and friendships are lost when your friends leave the clan and start a new one,” said Senior Samuel Ortmann.