BHS prepares its own COVID-19 plan as it awaits further guidance from State and District officials
A group is meeting today and Superintendent Thielman is preparing an official response

Buffalo High School’s administration is meeting today to discuss plans regarding the district’s handling of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) amid the nine confirmed cases in the state of Minnesota. To this point, the school has been working with Superintendent Scott Thielman and state government in planning its response to the virus.
Assistant Principal Nick Guida said that this issue has been unprecedented in terms of the measures needing to be taken by the school to ensure the health of its students and staff.
“We don’t know what is going to happen,” said Guida. “Everything we’ve been told by the state has been shared to the students… and we’re working to update our information on the district website.”
In the afternoon on March 12, the district notified families that “the situation continues to evolve on an hourly and daily basis” and that officials are staying up to date with conference calls and meetings about continued student and staff safety.
The administration addressed the situation in an announcement to students during First Block on March 12, reminding students and staff to wash their hands frequently, stay home if they are ill, and to cover all coughs or sneezes. Both local and state administrations are working on policies to ease the stress of time lost due to sickness, and will be reporting through their respective official channels.
Photo by Bella Weiche and Barrett Torkelson