
10 things BHS students love about their moms

This Sunday will be Mother’s Day, a day to celebrate mothers everywhere. Sons and daughters everywhere of all ages are making collages, picture frames, and handwritten notes to give to their moms. Everyone’s mom is different though, so here are some of the things that make those moms (and grandmas) great.

1. “My mom is always willing to drive me to different rodeos and willing to support me in whatever I’m doing. Whenever I have a horse that’s acting up she’s always willing to help me figure out what’s going on,” said Junior Katelyn Jerde.

2.”My mom shoots a shotgun better than anyone I know. She’s in the top 9 women’s trapshooters nationally,” said Senior Beth Macnab.

3. “I really admire my mom as a spiritual role model,” said Junior Avonlea Hubbard.

4.”She calls me every day after school and asks if I’ve eaten,” said Junior Keven Zheng.

5.”She’s always happy, and she makes really good cake,” said Junior Markus Lee.

6.”She’s genuinely curious as to how my day went every day,” said Junior Tyler Maxson.

7.”My mom is the best. She is not only my mom, but my best friend. I remember in 7th grade when people would get mad because I told her everything,  but I love that I can do that, and now I know that that’ s ok. She’s so funny and carefree and I know no matter what she’ll always smile. She’s always like ‘Relax, life is good, no worries, let’s watch Gilmore Girls.’ She’s a weirdy just like me,” said Junior Olivia Laskey

8.”She’s a hardworker, she does everything around the house; she cooks, cleans, does the laundry, and she doesn’t really get mad,” said Sophomore Levi Bean.

9.”My grandmother is the sweetest lady. She takes care of me and she makes me the most succulent dinners ever. She’s making me fat, but I still love her,” said Junior Devon Bainey.

10. Last but not least I saved this spot for my own mom. She has always been there for me, even when it was stupid teenage drama, and she never lets me down. Whenever I’m sick or I need someone, I can always count on her. So thanks mom for doing what you do. And to all the moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day.

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Rachel Ulfers

Rachel is currently a PSEO student at NHCC during her senior year. She is in DECA, Hoofprint,and enjoys photography and playing with her overbearing yellow lab.

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