
Toys for Tots drive heats up between Buffalo and STMA

Buffalo and St. Michael schools participate in a Toys for Tots program. The program started December 3 and ends on  December 14. The toys that are brought to the school go to a local church in the community and they distribute the toys to who they think is is need of them.

“The toys go to families where the parents can’t afford gifts for their kids,” said Principal Mark Mischke.

A competition between Buffalo and St. Micheal has been going on for at least five years. St. Michael beat Buffalo in the Toys for Tots last year. Also, this year the boys and girls in each grade at Buffalo will compete to see who can bring in more toys. The winning school will receive a prize, and the principal will dress up in a tutu and tiara and carry a wand.

“I will be donating a toy because I think it is a nice thing to do,” said Junior Breanna Heuton. “They should be able to open a gift on Christmas, just like I do.”

The families that receive the toys are very appreciative of the gifts so they can have something  to give to their kids on Christmas.

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