
“Need a quiet place to study? Need some time to study? Visit the ‘Resource Room’ that is open to all students.

At the end of the freshmen hallway yo will find a place that goes by the name, “Resource Room.” It was new to the school last year, and isn’t well known quite yet. “We can get 0 students, which we started out with in the beginning,” explains leader Carol Theis,”Now we typically get 3 to 4 per block, maybe more.

It is open during class and AAA’s. “What it is, is teachers send students to take a test, work on assignments, and get help if they need it. We also have computers available,” said Theis.

Tracy Vanlith also run the room two blocksĀ a day. You can go in:get help with your homework, have a place to study, get books to use on research, and have a quiet place to study. Theis concluded, “It’s basically a quiet place to get work done.”

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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